
Monday, 15 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey Day 3 Bonus Activity 😀

Hello fellow bloggers, today I have my bonus activity day 3.
Here is my piece of writing

Everyone’s family is unique. What makes your family special? Choose three people close to you and ask them what their two favourite things to do in summer are.

On your blog, write two fun facts about each person.

My three people are my Parents and my Brother and Sister.

My Parent like BBQ and swimming,

My Brother like to watch the Chromebook and play on the Chromebook,

My sister likes to do everything.

Summer Learning Journey week 1 Day 3 Activity 2🌝

Hello fellow bloggers, today I have week 1 day 3 activity 2.
Here is my small piece of writing.

All of us are members of a family. Some of us have large families and some of us have very small families. When I have the opportunity to talk about my family and my ancestry I sometimes choose to use a pepeha. It is a very special way of identifying who I am and where I come from. There are many different versions of pepeha but most provide people with information about who you are and where you come from (i.e. your whakapapa). Use the template provided below to prepare your own unique pepeha. If you need help please watch this short movie clip on preparing a pepeha.

Ko ? te maunga    The mountain that I affiliate* to is ?
Ko ? te awa          The river that I affiliate to is ?
Ko ? te waka The waka that I affiliate to is ?
Ko ? tōku tīpuna My founding ancestor is ?
Ko ? tōku iwi          My tribe is ?
Ko ? tōku hapu My sub-tribe is ?
Ko ? tōku marae My marae is ?
Ko Kiakohe ahau I am from Kiakohe
Ko Sarah rāua ko Mike ōku mātua  My parents are Sarah and Mike

Ko Charlie tōku ingoa. My name is Charlie


Saturday, 13 January 2018

Summer Learning Journey Day 3 Activity 1

Hello fellow bloggers, 
today I have day 3 activity 1 of week 1 here is my piece of writing called The More, the Merrier?

In the 1800s, most families were pretty big. In fact, many parents had an average of seven to nine children.  Imagine that you were a child in the 1800s and you had nine siblings.

On your blog, please tell us how you would feel. Would you enjoy being a member of such a large family? Why or why not?

I think that I would love to be in such a big family we may not get along all the time but we will all love each anther the same.

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 2 Activity 2

Hello fellow bloggers,
Today my 2 activity is The Rules of Engagement here is the little piece of writing for my activity

During the early years in New Zealand, men and women would often marry at a young age. Women were expected to have babies and remain in the home caring for their children. Few, if any, left home in search of work. Men, on the other hand, were expected to work outside of the home.

These days, we don’t have the same strict expectations about work. Girls and boys can choose their own path in life. In fact, I was lucky enough to go to university and to follow my dream of becoming a teacher!

What is your dream job? Draw a picture of yourself doing your dream job and post it on your blog. You could be a doctor, an actor or even a zookeeper! I have drawn myself taking a picture of a beautiful castle in Poland because I would love to become a travel blogger and photographer one day.

Here is my drawing, I want to be a nurse.